Zbignevs Stankevics

Zbigņevs Stankēvičs: Literature and books are highly influential to the mind

Shortly before the leader of the Catholic Church Pope Francis’ visit to Latvia, metropolitan archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church, Zbigņevs Stankevičs contemplates the importance of the Book of books, and the meaning of the written word in both human relations, as well as relations with God. The video interview with the metropolitan archbishop is the second out if the video series published within the framework of the ‘Library’ project organized by Baltic International Bank.

“In my comprehension the word ‘library’ relates with the Bible, since the Bible is in fact a collection of books. The Bible consists of many books, and the library also consists of many books. ‘The Bible’ translates as – ‘books’,” says Zbigņevs Stankēvičs in the interview. “Unlike other books that are man written, the Bible has two authors – one of them is God and the other is man. Interestingly enough in this case, both are important – there is a creative collaboration between the two. This book can only be understood in the spirit in which it is written. What does it mean? The spirit of God, the inspiration of the Biblical authors has to be induced and carried in one’s heart to enlighten the mind of the human being so they could understand what is written there.”

In a video story about the importance of literature, books and libraries, the metropolitan archbishop explains in detail why uttering a word is a great responsibility, and why words, both spoken and written, can be of great influence on somebody or something. The full interview, alongside an interview with Nora Ikstena, published at the end of August, can be viewed on the project website www.manabiblioteka.lv.

The video interview with the Riga metropolitan archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church, Zbigņevs Stankēvičs, is the second out of the video series within the project ‘Library’. Andris Vilks, Karina Pētersone, Valērijs Belokoņs, Uldis Bērziņš, Imants Lancmanis, Māris Bērziņš, Sanita Stinkule and Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga are other prominent and highly acclaimed representatives of the Latvian intelligentsia also to be featured in the following video interviews in the coming months.

The project ‘Library’ is carried out with the support of Baltic International Bank, a long-standing patron of Latvian literature. It encourages posting stories on the importance of literature in people’s lives, including stories about their personal libraries, the content, and their emotional and professional value. The development of Latvian literature is one of the long-term public support endeavours of Baltic International Bank. Being convinced that the foundation of every nation’s national identity lays in the knowledge of its culture and history, Baltic International Bank financially supports the publishing of books of national importance and the implementation of projects involving literature.

More information on the project ‘Library’ website: www.manabiblioteka.lv and social networking profiles on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.