‘Culture and Latvian Identity’ (2010)

In her book ‘Culture and Latvian Identity’ the author Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga has assambled her thoughts and conclusions accumulated throughtout her life. This work is therefore considered to be a will and a legacy dedicated to the Latvian people. In the introduction of the book the author has specified her goals and methodology with meticulous academic care – the book is to bring light in the darkness and help her people find the way to get out of the hinderance.

In the 10 chapters and about 70 subchapters of the book, the author covers the cultural traditions of all regions of Latvia. When talking about culture Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga has consideration also for politics, since it is also a part of the culture – in the broadest sense of the term. Although exhaustive at exploring the wide cultural field, apart from politics, the second closest to Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga’s heart is the Latvian identity of the cultural and linguistic nature, their value, quality and inheritance problems. The process of solving these problems lies at the heart of this book.